Sunday, August 4, 2013

Dansko Veda - Podiatrist Recommended Comfortable Shoe


Super-Comfortable Shoe for Fall 2013

I love these Converse-ish looking Dankso shoes! 

What makes the Dansko Veda shoe so comfortable is that it meets all four requirements that a shoe must have to be comfortable: it has a thick, rigid and non-flexible sole, a wide toebox, rearfoot control and it can accommodate your orthotics or an over-the-counter arch support. 

I also love the price! I found these on for a $28, which is a 60% discount. These are hard to find in stores, but you can try on Dansko shoes at local retailers such as Dillards and smaller stores catering to hospital employees such as nurses. Try a scrub store to find the Dansko Professional shoe, which is excellent for anyone who works on concrete surfaces for long hours. 

This Shoe is Recommended for Patients with:
* Plantar Fasciitis / Heel Pain (wear with arch supports or heel cushions for more comfort)
*Mild to Severe Hallux Limitus
*Hallux Rigidus
*Mild to Moderate Bunions
*Mild to Moderate Tailor's Bunions 
*Mild to Severe Over-Pronators
*Mild Achilles Tendonitis 
*Morton's Neuroma
*Mild Rheumatoid Arthritis (wear with a cushioned insole)
*Anyone Recovering from a foot fracture (i.e. Jones, metatarsals, toes, ect.) 
*Mild Ankle Instability
*Chronic Pain Syndromes (wear with a custom molded insert with an appropriate topcover such as EVA or plastizote - your Pod will be able to help you with this)

This Shoe is NOT Recommended for Patients with:
*Diabetics with Neuropathy (Nerve Damage)
*Diabetics with Peripheral Arterial Disease (Poor Circulation)
*Diabetics with a history of foot Ulcerations
*Leg Fatigue in the Elderly
*Muscle Weakness
*Charcot Foot
*Severe Edema (Swelling)

For more information about what makes a shoe comfortable, please go to the search box on this blog (Upper right hand corner) and look up "My Feet Hurt" for an article about ten easy things you can do to significantly alleviate foot, knee, hip and lower back pain

Have a great day!

Dr. Cathleen A. McCarthy



  1. These are so cute! I can't believe it, but I, too, scored a pair from for $28! I bought the red, which I think is great. Will report back on how they fit and feel -- thanks for the recommendation!

  2. Hi Elizabeth,
    I got the red and black Dansko Veda as well as another Dansko and the Tsubo Barto at for a grand total of $192. Let me know what you think of the Vedas!

  3. I ran across these too the other evening while browsing I had tried them on in a local store during the Spring, and while they were cute and (as expected) comfortable I found the price steep considering I would only wear them on weekends.

    They also come in a 'palm frond' pattern that is really pretty in orange. The price is outstanding.

  4. Wonderful post on sports footwear..these are giving huge compition to designer footwear !!!

  5. Hi Dr. McCarthy. I really enjoy your blog. I forwarded your post on wearing crocs rx as bedroom slippers to my husband and he immediately bought some and wears them religiously. He sends his thanks.

    I am looking for a flat with arch support. I have an orthotic but even a dress orthotic does not fit into lower profile flats, and that is a look I really like wearing. All summer I've been wearing a combination of Danskos (Theas in two colors) and the Romika Florida 05, which just happens to have a built in arch which exactly conforms to my own.

    Unfortunately, as I think about moving into autumn and putting away my sandals, I realize I'm in the same situation I was in last year - no supportive flats. I don't really enjoy mary jane styling. So much of it looks super old lady.

    I'm a stylish San Franciscan and recovering 'Vogger, and I just can't do frumpy!

    Please help!

  6. Wonderful post on sports footwear!!!

  7. Hi Anonymous,

    I'm glad the RX Crocs are working out for your husband!

    Flats with arch support - hmmmm.

    Vogger history - hmmmmmm.

    As a Vogger myself, I understand your dilemma. It's a challenge and I wish I could pop out an easy answer for you!

    The ones that do come to mind are: Dansko, Earthies, Alegria and Tsubo - my personal faves.

    Earthies have the best arch support but Dansko has the best sole. I will say that it sounds like you are a Dansko person - so keep searching for a Dansko style that works for you. Does it have to be completely flat? Alegria is excellent for what you are describing you need, but you may not be thrilled with the aesthetics. Also Jambu.

    I would Google search: women's flat dress shoes with thick, rigid sole and women's flat dress shoes with platform sole - and see what you come up with. They are few and far between, but has some cool flats (Jeffrey Campbell) that might work. Lots of torture device shoes on that site but there are some cool flats with thick rigid soles if you are willing to dig.

    I wish I could be more help! One of the reasons I started the blog because this is challenging stuff. Good luck and let me know what works.


  8. Hi Cathy!

    I stumbled upon your blog after tirelessly searching online for shoes that offer enough support and comfort for a 10 hour day on concrete. Since I work in retail, I need a shoe that is stylish enough to get away with at a fashion-forward store. I am 25 years old and refuse to stuff my feet into cheap torture devices any longer!

    I have really wide feet and noticed that many of your suggestions won't work for me since they have a more narrow toe box. Any suggestions?

    Thanks so much!


  9. Hi Dr McCarthy, I stumbled across your blog recently and I'm really glad I did. I'm 24 and have already developed a bunion on my left foot about two years ago, probably from poor footwear choices all my life :( However, I purchased the Naot Paris sandals yesterday and they've been very comfortable so far.

    My doctor's report says that I have a 27 degrees hallux valgus, a 14 degree 1st intermetatarsal angle and incongruent 1st MTP joint. Would this constitute a "mild" or "moderate" bunion according to your classifications on this site? I'd like to buy more of the shoes that you've recommended.

    Thank you so much!

  10. Hi, this is slightly irrelevant but could I know your opinion on whether bunion night splints are generally effective? Thanks!

  11. Hi Ellie,
    Thanks for reading!
    Look for a wedge shoes. In the summer, I wear Tsubo Bartos, which are bery comfortable and may accommodate a wide foot. Born has some nice low wedge styles that may work. Have you tried the Crocs wedge heels? They may work. I would also try Googling 'Women's wide dress shoe wedge" and see what you can find. Are you looking for an enclosed shoe or a sandal?

  12. Hi Anonymous,

    I would classify a 27 degree Halllux Varus as moderate. I have seen worse!
    I have not seen you as a patient so I am GUESSING, but I suspect you are hypermobile and have ligament laxity with a short first metatarsal. To be so young (24) and have that kind of bunion, it would be classified as a 'pediatric bunion', which are the most difficult to surgically correct. Proper shoes and arch support are crucial for stopping and/or slowing the progression of the bunion.

    The only time you should consider foot surgery is when you have exhausted conservative treatment and you are having so much pain that you are having trouble getting through the day because of the pain.

    Shoes are crucial and please talk to your Podiatrist about getting custom-molded orthotics.

    Hope all is well,

  13. Hi Anonymous,
    Bunion night splints can be helpful for resisting soft tissue contraction. Bunion night splints can mildly improve or slow the progression of the bunion. It is not going to fix anything because a true bunion is a bone/joint issue BUT resisting the soft tissue contraction of the tendons, ligaments and joint capsule can help. Also, many patients like the way it feels to hold the toe in a better position, so in that respect it can be worth trying it.
    Thank you for reading!

  14. Dr McCarthy,

    Great blog! I am recovering from a fifth metatarsal fracture on my right foot. It was a minor fracture, and true to what my surgeon said, I didn't need surgery, no displacement, and virtually no swelling. I'm five weeks in and ditched my crutches one week ago. I'm currently wearing crocs rx and my misunderstood stability runners that provide almost no flexion. I have ordered some danskos for work, but I'm looking for hiking shoes. I've got a vacation in New Zealand 13 weeks post-injury,which the surgeon says I will be fine for with the proper shoes. Do you have any recommendations for good hiking shoes?

    Thanks! Jennifer

  15. Oops! That said misunderstood stabili runners, but I meant Mizuno stability runners!

  16. HI Jennifer,
    Try the Five-Ten Camp Four or the Vasque Breeze, which are excellent. I usually send my hiking patients to REI, Patagonia or (in Phoenix) to the Hiking Shack to find a hiking boot that does not flex or bend at all! Please avoid any and all the minimilist hiking shoes!
    Have a great trip!

  17. Hi Dr. McCarthy! I want to thank you for your wonderful blog. You have literally transformed my life. I ordered the Dansko Veda's in Black/White. I also ordered the Crocs RX pair, you recommended for people who suffer from Morton's Neuroma. I can wear these without problems. i am totally elated!! I'm always getting compliments on my Dansko Veda's. I want to order the red pair next. they are so comfy and gorgeous as well!! Thank you so much for your informative blog!

  18. Hi Moonchime,
    I'm so happy that you are getting such good results!
    Thank you for reading and for your kind words...

  19. Nice post.I impress this type of shoe.I think this type of shoe using be comfortable and also looking beater deigned . really i like this post and thank you for sharing.................
    Dansko shoes buffalo NY

  20. Hi! I love your blog. These are very comfortable shoes but I have rolled my ankles in them too many times. I have also rolled my ankles in Dansko sandals even with rear foot straps. Would you recommend shoes with a little more flexibility? Alegria Verona? Naot Matai? Wolky ballet? Thank you.

  21. Hi Nicole,
    Sorry for the delayed response.

    Stay away from any shoes with a flexible or bendable sole.

    If you are a chronic "roller" than you may simply have a severely hypermobile foot or you may have had a previous injury that damaged your 'proprioception receptors' that are within your tendons and ligaments. If that is the case, to stop chronically rolling your foot (assuming you are not hypermobile) then you need to see your Pod for a full evaluation and treatment and, most likely, get some physical therapy to 're-train' your proprioception receptors in the soft tissue of your feet and ankles. Chronic ankle sprains will continue to occur until the proper physical therapy is done.

    Wearing shoes with more flexibility is going to make you more vulnerable to injury.

    The Alegria Veron doesn't bend or flex and should work very well for you.

    Hope that was helpful!

  22. can i wear the Alegria Verona wit achilles tenddonitis and plantars fascillitis?
