Let me be so bold as to tell you a personal story...
Seven years ago, I took a screenwriting night course at Scottsdale community college and, on the first day of class, being a bit shy, I went in the room, found a seat, sat down and - quietly scoped the room for cute guys. What can I say, I was single!
My eyes fell on this guy - long, lean, sexy and he had this cool, funky bohemian - style.
I immediately thought, "WHO - is that big hunk of eye candy?! Me like..."
Needless to say, I let him chase me around for awhile (not too long!) and, seven years later, I feel like the luckiest woman in the world to be able to say that we have now been happily, wonderfully and beautifully married for five years and I'm more in love with him now than ever.
So, there is a point to this story - I have this talent - when I see a fabulous thing - I KNOW IT!
John Fluevog, I was rushing down Melrose in Los Angeles, not shopping, just trying to catch up to my group (as I had volunteered to go back and put more money in the meter) and, out of the corner of my eye, I spied - a shoe...
Not just any shoe - but a big hunk of eye candy shoe...
Forgetting my group, I hopped in the store, tried on a dozen shoes - loved them all and finally purchased the Benatar.
If I thought I liked the way they looked - I have to say I now have a new depth of love and appreciation for how they look and feel...
I have a new goal in life - I will own more John Fluevog shoes - I have finally found a designer who has combined cool, funky fashionable shoes with functionability and comfort.
John Fluevog - thank you!
Like my beautiful husband - you are a gem!
P.S. If you ever need input on starting a shoe line that is "pathology specific" to certain podiatric foot issues - let's talk!! (i.e. think: degenerative joint disease of the big toe - here's your shoe!)
Advice for if ordering online: John Fluevog shoes run small so order 1/2 size larger than you usually wear. Also, they are expensive but so totally worth it! Once again, good shoes are an investment - speaking as a Podiatrist - you can either put money into shoes or into co-pays - take your pick...
Have a Beautiful Fluevog Day!
I know I will,
Dr. Cathy McCarthy