Rivets Hellow Out Platform Shoe

Not only do I love the way this shoe looks - I love the pricetag of forty-two dollars at! This shoe is perfect for anyone with Hallux Limitus or Hallux Rigidus, which means there is decreased range of motion and pain with motion of the first toe joint. In fact, anyone with any forefoot issues such as metatarsalgia, morton's neuroma, capsulitis, plantar plate injury and mild bunions or hammertoes should find this an exceptionally comfortable shoe. The sole is thick and rigid and has a wide base, which will also make it a comfortable shoe if you are recovering from a Lisfranc's injury.
To maximize comfort I recommend that you add a custom-molded dress orthotic or a good over-the-counter heat molded insert, which you can get from you local podiatrist. Orthotics are expensive but they are often covered by insurance and even if you have to cash pay - they are worth the money when you consider that it is an investment in your feet, knees, hips and lower back. This shoe also offers a wide toebox and good rearfoot control that allows for better biomechanical control of the foot and ankle joints, which means less chance of injury, more comfort and less mechanical strain on your joints and tendons.
This shoe is recommended for patients with:
*Hallux Limitus (limited range of motion of the 1st toe joint)
*Hallux Rigidus (no range of motion of the 1st toe joint)
*Plantar Fasciitis (heel pain)
*Mild bunions
*Mild hammertoes
*Morton's Neruoma
*Mild Tailor's bunions
*Degenerative Joint Disease of the 1st toe joint
*Previous Lisfranc's injury
*Mild Haglund's deformity
*Flat Feet & Over-Pronation (wear a custom-molded dress orthotic)
*Mild Hypermobility & Ligament Laxity (wear a custom molded dress orthotic if possible)
This shoe is not recommended for patients with:
*Bone Spurs on the top of the midfoot area
*Severe Achilles Tendonitis
*Balance Issues
*Peripheral Arterial Disease (poor circulation)
*Peripheral Neuropathy (nerve damage)
*Charcot foot
I would love to hear any feedback that you have on this shoe. I would also love it if you could recommend any 'go to' shoe brands or styles that you think are amazingly comfortable and stylish as I am looking for ideas for future blog posts. Thank you!
Happy New Years!
Dr. Cathleen A. McCarthy